Sephardic Jew

The Sephardic Jew Citizenship programme is open to descendants of those Portuguese Jews expelled from the 15th century onward under law30-A/2015. Eligibility is assessed by tracing genealogical heritage, which can help you identify and assess your entitlement.

We provide access to the tools and knowledge required to complete the application for nationality and relocation to Portugal. Our experience within this field ensures efficient and structured applications can be processed to guide you without the need to speak Portuguese or be in Portugal.

Sephardic Jew Citizenship Requirements

The granting of nationality to descendants of Sephardic Jews depends on a decision by the Minister of Justice, who shall pronounce after the following requirements have been met:

• Being over 18 years old or emancipated according to Portuguese law.
• Not having been convicted with a final sentence for an offense punishable by a term of imprisonment equal to or exceeding three years, pursuant to Portuguese law.
• Not being involved in terrorism-related activities.
• Demonstrate belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin.

In order to demonstrate belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin the applicant should previously:

• Obtain a Certificate of the Jewish Community of Portugal (CIL or CIP) attesting the tradition of belonging, materialized specifically in the applicant’s surname, family language, genealogy and family memory.

If lacking such certificate:

• A document issued by the Jewish community to which the applicant belongs, attesting his/her use of expressions in Portuguese in Jewish rites or as the language spoken by him/her within the community, the ladino (i.e., Judaeo-Spanish); and

• Authenticated documentary records, such as records in Jewish synagogues and cemeteries, as well as residence titles, property titles, wills and other evidence of the applicant’s family connection by direct descent or family connection in the common parent collateral line from the Sephardic community of Portuguese origin.